#GivingTuesday to support The Teacher's First Fund for The Ingrid Education Centre.


Here’s Where your dollars Will go:

The Ingrid Education Centre educates around 300 children and orphans in the Matopeni neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya. The Ingrid Education Centre (IEC) is an oasis in the middle of the rock quarry slum area where poverty, hunger, illness, and death are part of daily life. 

Each month, LiveGlobally gives the aid needed to nourish and enrich all the children in the school and to provide living wages for all 14 staff members that work at the school. We are committed to providing all learning supplies, 2 daily meals for students and staff, and providing all the teacher’s salaries -- but we need your help. In order to be able to secure the future of the IEC and continue helping in this community where it is so needed, we need your support and donation.