
#compassioning ride 2018


We are raising $10,000 to support the Water for Living Project in Costa Rica. Our goal is to provide access to clean drinking water, in order to support the children’s health that effects their education and creative development.


See how Pablo Robles (aka @Running_Guerrero) is #compassionING...

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Meet Pablo Robles!

Find out why he is riding 3,500 miles across USA.


What is CompassionING

#compassionING is about teaching peace by living peace. We want people to see beyond one's own limitation, and facilitate the process to be open, to have a voice and be involved. By reading this you are now a part of the Global Fabric that weaves us together -- we invite you to join us in learning to listen, growing towards understanding, nourishing the Self, and most importantly, taking action!


Read Our #compassionING Blog

Follow Pablo’s Instagram, @Running_Guerrero