My Mind, My Body, My Heart
One of the many wonders of being in the road is re-experiencing mySelf. It is an opportunity to find the best version of mySelf, having to comb through years of experiences and making sense of what is. I am grateful that i get to experience and choose my ‘middle’ path.
“Growth proceeds by metamorphosis”
Let me share with you one of the many moments I have witness...
This is me after 10 days in Austin, I took a moment to pay attention to mySelf:
I take a look at my habits, my tendencies, my anxiety, my expectations of me and who I should be. I am aware--I'm noticing wanting to distract myself with movies, with new interactions, new conversations, and with newness. My work, my practice, and my struggle is with finding stillness, living contentment, experiencing happiness, and being able to experience life without being overwhelmed and distracted. I think to myself as I let the water run through me, who do I want to be? This is the moment or a moment where I choose, where I can sit in place, on my path towards compassion for me and for all other beings.
I think about how much work, how hard it is to live about and to go from point A to point B; to enjoy time. I noticed that the pain, the discomfort, and the challenge is one of the things that makes doing ‘the work’ so special so meaningful, so fundamental.
These are not your feelings; this is my reality. It is not a burden, it is not a curse, it is not something that I'm ashamed of. It is what gives me life. Why I take deep breaths. Why I listen to myself to my body to my heart and to the bodies around me. I wake up and take each breath with love and compassion. By noticing my breath and noticing the energy that flows through me, like water, I feel alive. I am alive. I do not need to live two different lives, I hold everything to my heart to my mind to my body. I feel every decision every impulse, every consideration. My practice is to make sense and to become aware in order to make connections and to create life around each new connectivity. Ultimate presence cannot be comprehended without stillness and love.
"the path to freedom is itself a series of transformations"