Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.
6:00 PM18:00

Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.

LUCKY 108 is a monthly event where we offer manifestation practices from many cultures!

One Friday night a month, we will practice 108 bows, 108 oms, yoga, mantras, manifestations, blessings, a fire bowl, singing bowls, food and good company.

Suggested donation $18. Snacks provided, feel free to bring (vegan) food & beverages!

All proceeds will go to the building and sustaining of the Ingrid Education Centre in the Matopeni slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

All levels welcome! 

* all donated funds will be matched.

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Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.
6:00 PM18:00

Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.

LUCKY 108 is a monthly event where we offer manifestation practices from many cultures!

One Friday night a month, we will practice 108 bows, 108 oms, yoga, mantras, manifestations, blessings, a fire bowl, singing bowls, food and good company.

Suggested donation $18. Snacks provided, feel free to bring (vegan) food & beverages!

All proceeds will go to the building and sustaining of the Ingrid Education Centre in the Matopeni slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

All levels welcome! 

* all donated funds will be matched.

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Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.
6:00 PM18:00

Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.

LUCKY 108 is a monthly event where we offer manifestation practices from many cultures!

One Friday night a month, we will practice 108 bows, 108 oms, yoga, mantras, manifestations, blessings, a fire bowl, singing bowls, food and good company.

Suggested donation $18. Snacks provided, feel free to bring (vegan) food & beverages!

All proceeds will go to the building and sustaining of the Ingrid Education Centre in the Matopeni slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

All levels welcome! 

* all donated funds will be matched.

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Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.
6:00 PM18:00

Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.

LUCKY 108 is a monthly event where we offer manifestation practices from many cultures!

One Friday night a month, we will practice 108 bows, 108 oms, yoga, mantras, manifestations, blessings, a fire bowl, singing bowls, food and good company.

Suggested donation $18. Snacks provided, feel free to bring (vegan) food & beverages!

All proceeds will go to the building and sustaining of the Ingrid Education Centre in the Matopeni slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

All levels welcome! 

* all donated funds will be matched.

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Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.
6:00 PM18:00

Lucky 108:: manifestation practices from many cultures.

LUCKY 108 is a monthly event where we offer manifestation practices from many cultures!

One Friday night a month, we will practice 108 bows, 108 oms, yoga, mantras, manifestations, blessings, a fire bowl, singing bowls, food and good company.

Suggested donation $18. Snacks provided, feel free to bring (vegan) food & beverages!

All proceeds will go to the building and sustaining of the Ingrid Education Centre in the Matopeni slums of Nairobi, Kenya.

All levels welcome! 

* all donated funds will be matched.

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6:00 PM18:00

Yoga Mala (108 Sun Salutations)

n this monthly practice of 108 Sun Salutations, we burn off the old to make room for the new. We break up 108 salutations into 4 sets of 27. 4 different teachers, 4 playlists, 4 different types of salutations. Some are gentle, some are challenging, but all are fun! Even if you are a yoga novice, you can do a Yoga Mala.

Suggested donation $10-20. All proceeds benefit LiveGlobally, a Durham-based 501c3 non-profit which supports the Ingrid Education Centre in the Matopeni slums of Nairobi (Kenya).

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Hurricane Relief Concert
7:30 PM19:30

Hurricane Relief Concert

The Durham Originals, Trinity Park Salon Series, and Global Breath Studio are teaming up Saturday, October 29 for a popup concert by Cello Fourum. The hour-long concert will include stirring compositions by J.S. Bach and Astor Piazzolla, among others. 100% of all proceeds will go to the NC Disaster Relief Fund, supporting Hurricane Matthew disaster relief in North Carolina. Cash wine bar & snacks. 

Suggested donation for tickets $20 & up. Please order your tickets now as seating is limited!

LOCATION: Global Breath Studio :: 119 W Main St (3rd floor) :: Durham 27701

Hurricane Relief Concert Ticket
from $20.00
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5:00 PM17:00

Yoga Mala for the Ingrid School Teacher's Fund

Come celebrate the Spring Equinox with an auspicious practice of 108 Sun Salutations! Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. Burn off the 'old' and arrive into 'new'! 

This practice is open to all levels. If you haven't done this before... No worries! The collective energy of the room helps to carry everyone through this practice. We break up the 108 salutations into 4 sets of 27, with short breaks in between. Usually a Yoga Mala takes about 90 minutes. And... there will be live music!

This Mala is a fundraiser for LiveGlobally's Teachers Fund. LiveGlobally is a Durham-based 501c3 non-profit, whose mission is to inspire and nurture increased awareness of our interconnectedness as a global family, stewardship of the earth's resources, support for children in need, and individual well-being through education, nutrition, and creative self-expression.

We ask that all participants commit to a 6 month sustainership (@ $5/month) to support the teachers fund. These funds are used entirely to pay the teachers at the Ingrid School in the Matopeni slums of Nairobi (Kenya) a living wage. You are of course also welcome to leave a one-time donation!

Sign up here:

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Heart Awakened: Yoga, Touch and Sound with Nina Be & Rose Erin Vaughan
2:00 PM14:00

Heart Awakened: Yoga, Touch and Sound with Nina Be & Rose Erin Vaughan

We are very honored to have Nina Be at Lighthouse Yoga School.  Nina is a multi-dimensional healer, yoga teacher for over 40 years. She and Rose Erin will be sharing practices to deeply heal and awaken the Heart.

Nina Be uses informed intuition, inner vision, and gentle touch to transmit new awareness in asana, allowing the body the REMEMBER its natural state. Open to ALL PEOPLE.

This class will include:  

  • Heart Awakening Vinyasa and Asana led by Rose Erin Vaughan
  • Individual gentle-touch guidance during asana by Nina and Rose.  (You may opt out of this.  Just let us know at any time.)
  • Restorative Heart Awakening led by Nina Be
  • Sound bowl Vibration for Healing old trauma and Emotional distress
  • Using vibrations for the Root/Earth and the Heart.
  • Meridian based Yoga Nidra

All PROFITS will be donated to to support education, nutrition and creative expression for children in need.

Individual healing sessions using sound bowls and touch with Nina Be will be available on March 20 for $75/ half hour. Especially effective for brain injuries, trauma and complex PTSD, fertility, and emotional distress.

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